Talya Stavrinos
Bachelor of Visual Arts
Talya Stavrinos, Apatosaurus and Offspring, 2023. Lino Cut (Laser Etched), 67 x 60 cm
Photographer: Brenton McGeachie
A series of relief print works that focus on the subject of dinosaurs. I have a particular interest in anthropomorphising them as animals, compared to the more monstrous depictions that are commonly seen in popular media. I want to emphasize that dinosaurs are capable of forming complex social bonds and interactions, and this is done by showing the interactions between the dinosaurs and their young. By using this framing, it creates an aura of gentleness and serenity, while also addressing the fact that these creatures were larger than life which is displayed by playing with various scales and size. This in turn inspires feelings of wonder and awe in these prehistoric creatures. I made these prints in response to early developments of paleo-art which were rooted in imperial and colonial frameworks that depicted dinosaurs as primitive monsters, a trope I wanted to subvert in this series of prints.