Crystal Prior


Bachelor of Visual Arts

Crystal Prior, Hidden Confessions, 2023. Silk, acrylic  and nylon, 400 x 180 x 45 cm.

Photographer: Brenton McGeachie

What would you say if no one could hear you?

Through this artwork, I explore the intersections between art, shame and confessional art practices.

I provide connection with the viewer by using my voice and handwriting, which allows a sense of intimacy and vulnerability to explore the emotional aspect my work.

The use of a large scale cloth, expands the artwork to a larger conversation about a right way to express yourself. If there is a right way to create art, and my work does not adhere to the rules of ‘art’, whatever that is, it cannot be perfect and it cannot be worthwhile.

By using textiles, Hidden Revelations asks the question:

If women’s expression are generally undervalued or ignored and textiles are considered ‘decorative’, or ‘worth less’, does this by extension make me or my work, unworthy?

It asks the viewer to respond - is it worth anything at all?


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