Stephanie Vieceli
Bachelor of Visual Arts / Bachelor of Art History and Curatorship
Stephanie Vieceli, Technical Matter 2023. Paper, acrylic paint, glue 240 x 80 cm
Photographer: Brenton McGeachie
As a hybrid installation, the manipulation of materials within my work seeks to mediate the relationship between traditional mediums of art, considering the labour and creativity of print, and Media, a ready-made world of automated, digital art.
My final work is assembled from paper that has been painted, shredded, and physically woven together to resemble textiles. Yet, contrasting this slow material process, digital photocopies of the same physical weave are intertwined amongst the original matter.
Organic tones of green and newsprint blend together to form a fluidity akin to the natural movement of a grass field, however, it is the intrusion of digital print which invites viewers to similarly visualise the work as the pixilation of low resolution graphics.